You Wouldn't Believe What These Restaurants Serve (We Are Not Talking About Sushi)

- Aug 27, 2022 - 1.9K Views

When you order ice cream, do you want it to look like poop? When you eat tacos, do you expect ants to make it crunchier? Well, it seems that no one cares what customers want anymore! Because there are weird things got served in restaurants. Heck, I have even heard about a place that serves food in a (fake, but still disgusting) dead body! Want to know which are these restaurants? Read on, my friend and be prepared to enter a world of stomach-churning food - 

1. Poop - because it's better than coffee

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Who would have thought that there will come a day when we will say - ‘let’s eat poop’ and people will actually be excited about it? But Holy sh*t, times are changing! The first toilet-themed dessert bar in Toronto will make you sit on toilet seats, serve you drinks in urinals, and will entertain you with some (literally) shitty facts. 

Where - Poop Café in Toronto 

2. Condoms - because ‘safe food’ is a thing too! 

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No, they do not serve food wrapped in condoms and yes, they do claim their food will not get you pregnant! (Do they not know about beer belly and pizza tummy?) Well, as it turns out, they want to promote the concept of family planning and that’s why you get condoms instead of mints after dinner. I think, they literally want to introduce you to different flavors! (If you know what I mean :P)

Where - Cabbages & Condoms, Bangkok

3. Ants - because its the best flavor 

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They know that people like you and me can be over-sensitive when it comes to food. So, this restaurant serves ants subtly. They use crushed ants, ant powder mostly and apply worm salt to cocktail glass rims. You would actually think its black pepper powder, but alas, it is most definitely not. Eat the famous Black Ant Guacamole and Grasshopper Tacos and you will know. 

Where - Black Ant in New York 

4. Shoe - because ‘eat your foot’ is not enough

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Remember when your mother used to tell you ‘no shoes on the dinner table!’? Well, that’s not the case anymore; at least not when you are visiting one Spanish restaurant in Washington DC. Apparently, that’s the new way of eating croquetas. I wonder how they clean those shoes after each serving? Or do they use a new one every damn time? 

Where - Jaleo in Washington 

5. Shovel - because who says its unusual?

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Want to buy a gardening shovel? Visit the Tickethall Restaurant! Confused? This place serves breakfast on a shovel as they believe in eating the traditional fireman’s way. They are taking the concept of ‘shoveling food in mouth’ way too seriously. But, as far as this list goes, I am sure serving on a shovel is the least weird thing served in restaurants. 

Where - The Tickethall in the Isle of Man

If I am ever visiting these restaurants, I will have no other option than starting my meal with ‘Bless us, O Lord…’